This may be controversial...
But The Princeton Offense is the #1 trending offense today in the game of basketball.
As a competitor... I don't like it. In a perfect world I don't want anyone to run it but us!
As a coach... I LOVE that the "Team Game" is improving, especially for Underdogs!
When I began learning the offense 21 years ago there were only 4 collegiate programs you could find on TV. Today there is well over 40.
The NBA is now taking advantage of the action & philosophies championed by Pete Carril and Princeton Offense programs.
It's absolutely everywhere... and there is a reason.
But the elephant in the room is this... How do we run the offense at the high school level or as an underdog at any level if we don't have the level of skill, talent, and IQ of high level programs?
That is where "Hacking" The Princeton Offense comes in.
It is widely agreed to be the most complicated basketball offense ever developed. And when run a certain way... I 100% agree.
However, if you know how to #1 Simplify the offense and #2 Run the right combination of sets and actions for your specific personnel...
Then you can leverage the secrets the Princeton Offense "Giant Killers" have been using for decades!